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Responsibility for the academies that make up West Norfolk Academies Trust and for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees have overall accountability for all the schools within the trust and manage all finances (including audits), premises and personnel areas, via subcommittees

Some work of the Board of Trustees is delegated to the Local Governing Body of each individual school, whose work is greatly valued and supported by the Trustees.

Board of Trustees

Our Trustees 

Name   Appointment/Role Profile
Roger Livesey Chair of Trustee Committee
View profile
Amanda Arterton Vice Chair of Trustees
View Profile
Andrew Johnson   View Profile
Tony Yates   View Profile 
Peter Harris   View Profile
Kevin Baldwin   View Profile
Paul Bland   View Profile
Mark Ballman   View Profile 
Rob Lodge   View Profile
Pauline King   View Profile
Tracey Cornwell   View Profile
Mike Brannon Member View Profile
Roger Wood   View Profile
Tim Allen   View Profile

Trustee Documentation 

Below you will find the details of:

  • The structure and remit of the members of the Board of Trustees
  • Trustee Overview of Membership - Including Responsibilities, Relevant Interests and Attendance
  • Trustee Declarations of Interest - Including links and business interest within the school and trust.
  • Any other Documents relating to West Norfolk Academies Trust Board of Trustees

Click below to view up to date details of Governance Arrangements for the Trustees:

Other Documentation:

Contact Details

The Clerk to the Trustees can be contacted on the following for all matters relating to the Board of Trustees:

Clerk to the Trustees
West Norfolk Academies Trust
Kings Lynn,
PE30 4AW

Tel: (01553) 773393

Local Governing Bodies 

The Role of the Local Governing Body

Our Local Governing Bodies work in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the Academy Trust. Whilst the headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance.

It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

Governors’ meetings are held once a term, and they monitor and evaluate the standards of learning and teaching and the impact that the school has on the children’s achievement and attainment, ensuring they reach the national and locally set targets.

The Local Governing Bodies work closely with the Trustees to ensure that the trust objectives are met.

Our Local Governing Bodies

School Chair  Headteacher
Springwood High School Mr Roger Livesey Mr Andrew Johnson
St Clements High School Mr Malcolm Woods Mr Nigel Willingham
Marshland High School Mr Steve Cozens Mr Craig Jansen
Smithdon High School Mr John Crofts Mrs Amanda Gibbins
Clenchwarton Primary School Mr Ricki Wenn Ms Joanne Borley 
West Lynn Primary School Mr Ricki Wenn Ms Joanne Borley
Walpole Cross Keys Primary School Mr Ricki Wenn Ms Joanne Borley
Snettisham Primary School Mrs Barbara Herring Ms Louise Jackson 
Heacham Junior School Mrs Barbara Herring Ms Louise Jackson
Heacham Infant School Mrs Barbara Herring Ms Louise Jackson
Gaywood Primary School Mrs Carly West-Burnham Mr Neil Mindham 

Additional information relating to our Chairs of Governing Bodies can be found by reading the
Overview of Chair of Governors

For further information on our Local Governing Bodies please visit individual school websites.

Training and Recruiting 

Governor Training 

The Trust greatly values and supports the work of our Local Governing Bodies and recognises the significant contribution that they can make towards raising standards within our schools. In order to assist them, the Trust provides training sessions for our governors.

These sessions are held at regular intervals over the school year.

Below are a couple of example videos of the training provided to our governors:


Knowledge Curriculum
Primary Schools 


Knowledge Curriculum
Secondary Schools


Effective Questioning for Governors


Governors from across the trust are welcome to attend any of the training sessions. They will be presented virtually via zoom, but each session will be recorded and will be available in the secure governor area.

If you are one of our governors and would like to gain access to a virtual presentation or the governor secure area then please contact your Clerk to Governors/Trustees who will supply you with the login details.

Becoming a Governor

The Trust greatly values and supports the work of our Local Governing Bodies and recognises the significant contribution that they can make towards raising standards within our schools.

In order to assist them, the Trust provides support to local governing bodies with governor recruitment, selection and training.

Information on becoming a Governor within West Norfolk Academies Trust can be found in the  Become a Governor at WNAT leaflet. 

To register your interest in Springwood High School, or any of the other schools within the trust, 
please fill in the 'Become a Governor' form here